Ferns growing through rocks
Surprised by persistence. Photo credit: Rev. Deb Vaughn

Oh Holy One,
As we persist
we find the strength to grow
despite the pain
despite the worry
and as one day rolls
into the next,
we can look back and see
your faithfulness,
your strength in our weakness,
your love in the hardest places,
and your promises new every morning.

Surprise us again
with new words,
new visions,
new prophecies,
and new hearts.

And may we see
the love that has brought hope,
the grace that has caused change,
and the Spirit who saw us grow.

Thank you,
Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer,
for all of your good gifts
(even the ones that hurt a little)

Rev. Deborah Vaughn is a hospice chaplain endorsed by the Alliance of Baptists, and Assistant Minister at Twinbrook Baptist Church in Rockville, MD. She blogs at An Unfinished Symphony and was a contributor to There’s a Woman in the Pulpit. She is an avid Buckeye fan down to her scarlet-painted toes!

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