Before the piled-up crumbs on this second-hand table,
And the not insignificant clumps of dog hair collecting around the bottom of this chair,
Work up their nerve and finally attack,
Let me admit,

I am overwhelmed.

The hurts of the world,
The pains of my dear ones,
The cries of your beloveds,

I am overwhelmed.

The depth and reach of greed,
In our systems,
In our policies,
In our hearts,

I am overwhelmed.

The power and audacity of fear,
To influence our decisions,
To rule our congregations,
To distort and confuse and bend our own thoughts and prayers and actions,

I am overwhelmed.

And so, I turn to you.
God of the Universe,
Spirit of all Wisdom,
Guide, Guardian, Shepherd, Fire, and Friend,
Big, wild, wonderful you who knows everything there is, and you who knows little sitting-in-dog-hair-and-crumb-piles me.

Please, overwhelm me.

Overwhelm me.

With you.

With you as hope, with you as grace, with you as courage, with you as presence, with you as life-changing, community-transforming, empire-toppling, miracle-making, never-ever-giving-up-on-me-or-us-or-anything you.

Please. Find us now. Overwhelm us again.

With love.

With you.


Rev. Erin Counihan serves as pastor at Oak Hill Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) in St. Louis, MO. She really hopes you’ll join us this January at the RevGals Big Event!

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