Provider and Sustainer,

We come before you this day, lifting before you
those who need
your healing touch,
your comforting presence,
your reassuring word.
Hear our prayers, we pray,
and make us agents of healing in your name.

Hear our prayers for those
who are wandering
in the wilderness of homelessness,
of chaos,
of uncertainty.
Make your presence known to them
in the community that surrounds them, Lord,
reaching out to them in love and compassion,
and offering them hope in the face of fear.

Hear our prayers for those
who are hungry, we pray, …
for those suffering from food insecurity
and from spiritual hunger
and hunger for a fulfillment of your claim
on our lives.
Help us to trust in your faithfulness, Covenant-keeper,
and grant us patience in our waiting.

Hear our prayers for those
who lead your people, O God,
that they who answer your call
remain committed to following you,
leading with integrity
and deep love for your people …
that they hear and respond
with compassion and grace …
that they are strengthened by time with you
and guided by your wisdom. 

This we pray in Jesus’ name,

Julie Gvillo is Commissioned Pastor (PCUSA) and Founder and Creative Executive Director of A Place of Grace. Julie shares liturgy written on RCL passages each week on her blog, Point of Contact: Where Life and Worship Intersect.

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