you are the one about whom Moses and the prophets wrote.
Teach us to follow where you lead.
Teach us the spirit of the law.
Teach us how to speak truth to power,
and give us the courage
to be the people you have called us to be.

you are the Son of God.
Teach us what it means to be children of God.
Teach us what it means to love as we have been loved.
Teach us what it means to humble ourselves
and to be servant of all
even when our differences are great.

you are the King of Israel.
Teach us how to listen to one another.
Teach us how to heal our division.
Teach us how to work together
to bring peace
in the midst of chaos and despair.

Jesus of Nazareth,
walk with your people in these days of hardship,
in these times of challenge,
in these moments of angst and despair.
Remind us that we will see greater things
because of your leadership.
Make us into disciples,
through the power of your Spirit
at work in the world.
May it be so.

Julie Gvillo is Commissioned Pastor (PCUSA) and Founder and Creative Executive Director of A Place of Grace. Julie shares liturgy written on RCL passages each week on her blog, Point of Contact: Where Life and Worship Intersect.

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