A hand-written sign at the top of a steep trail: “Happiness is an action, not a state of being. It is a journey, not a destination.”

Holy One,

Today I asked for an answer to my prayers… and You gave redirection.

I asked for reassurance… and there was silence.

I asked for kindness… and my patience was tested.

I asked for action… and I practiced waiting.

I asked for understanding… and was given Grace upon Grace.

And now I rest and wait and listen… and I feel Your Presence, and Your Peace.

Thank you for journeying with me, even when I don’t know what to ask.

Alleluia! Amen.

Blessed be.

Rev. Deborah Vaughn, BCC, is a bereavement counselor endorsed by the Alliance of Baptists. She lives with her beloved bearded spouse of many years in Maryland. She is a herder of cats, and remains a die-hard Ohio State fan. You can find more of her writing at An Unfinished Symphony.

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