Lake Forest beachside walk (photo credit Elizabeth Jones).

Dear Lord, I come to You in prayer. Yes, in need, and yes, in an unlikely manner. I am still far from You, but I want to be closer still. Help me walk by Your side.

Dear Christ, I ask for Your compassion. Heal me of my stubbornness, my wayward tendencies, and my resentful attitudes. Lead me in Your ways of kindness, gentleness and peace.

Dear Spirit, I flee to You for refuge. Encourage my heart to continue to come to You, for You promise to remain with me through thick and thin. Bless my soul as I rest in You.

I pray all these things in the name of the God who knows me down to the depths of my heart, soul, mind and strength – amen.

The Rev. Elizabeth Jones

Elizabeth is a hospice chaplain at Unity Hospice and pastor at St. Luke’s Christian Community Church (UCC) in the Chicago suburbs, and is an endorsed and commissioned member in the Federation of Christian Ministries. Elizabeth also holds a Certificate in Alcohol and Drug Counseling in Illinois (certified by IAODAPCA).

She blogs at Her spiritual and theological training and less-anxious presence enable her to bring encouragement, strength and comfort to persons in need.   

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