Dear Lord, I give in.

Dear Lord, I give up.

What does it mean when I feel all done in before the day has even started?

What do I do when I am dragging my tail before I even take off in the morning?

I know, I know. I know the suggestions. Slow down. Take it easy. One day at a time. Keep it simple.

But … what if things aren’t that simple?

What if life is heavy and hard? Complicated and contentious?

I know these things (and so much more) are what my patients and their families are dealing with, every day.

Dear Lord, help me minister.

Dear Lord, help me come alongside.

Lead me to listen and not dictate, to nurture and not natter.

Curb my desire to fix, manage and control.

Come alongside of me, and help me be a blessing to others, today.

Please, Lord, I pray.


The Rev. Elizabeth Jones

Elizabeth is a hospice chaplain at Unity Hospice and pastor at St. Luke’s Christian Community Church (UCC) in the Chicago suburbs, and is an endorsed and commissioned member in the Federation of Christian Ministries. Elizabeth also holds a Certificate in Alcohol and Drug Counseling in Illinois (certified by IAODAPCA).

She blogs at Her spiritual and theological training and less-anxious presence enable her to bring encouragement, strength and comfort to persons in need.   

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