God, this prayer is only my selfie,
object of so much humor
and undeniable visible truth
and not the picture photoshopped
or the portrait skillfully painted, carved.

Just me, here now,
this day, these anxieties, these loves.

Thank you for receiving it,
without carefully shaped intercessions,
for so many who need grace,
expressions of gratitude,
that most of the time I feel,
regret for the done, thought, spoken,
and the not-done, unspoken,
non-committal or toxic thinking.

I offer also, the prayer in selfie
of my communities,
church, RevGalsBlogPals, family, friends,

and those with whom I am identified,
white people, educated people,
housed people, parents,
those who write about doing
and do not always do.

Thank you for receiving these selfies.
Forgive, teach, guide, bless,
give to me and to us the will and way
to pass blessings on. amen


Maren C. Tirabassi is a United Church of Christ (US) pastor, author of twenty-two books and workshop leader. Her new novel in the Rev and Rye Cozy Mystery series, “Death at Fair Havens” was released in April.  She blogs at gifts in open hands at wordpress dot com.  


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