We often encourage each other to “bloom where you’re planted.” I like the symbolism, but realized that RevGals and Pals hail from all over the world! What blooms in Maryland may be far different than the flowers in your part of the world.

A field of dandelions!

So, to celebrate our diversity, show us five plants that bloom around your home or neighborhood. I’m looking forward to seeing the wide variety of beauty we have among us!

Photos are a help, but don’t let that stop you from playing. You can put a link to your blog in the comments, or play along there.

11 thoughts on “Friday Five: Blooming Things

  1. Friday play devotions
    In the spirit of “metaphorical and physical plants” and an expansive interpretation of “plants”:
    1. my children are blooming before my eyes.
    2. a pinetree outside our apartment that looks happy that it isn’t covered in snow.
    3. a philodendron that has perked up since I finally noticed it needed water and gave it some.
    4. The plants outside of Safeway that look so tempting in their display
    5. The grass which always finds a way to nudge up through the cracks on the sidewalk on our daily route to daycare.
    6. The flowers (not sure of what kind) that are neatly planted by the landscape artists around our apartment complex


  2. Blue salvia under the weigela, pincushion flowers and Mexican evening primrose waiting to go into the ground, cheddar pinks and assorted dianthus, mountain laurel, green and gold, coreopsis, the last of the forget-me-nots that made a big show this year, a peach-colored rose, golden Alexander and another wild (native) flower, English daisies, assorted coral bells, columbine, an invasive ground cover now in full bloom. And I finished my herb garden after 8 years!


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