
In the Northern Hemisphere school is out for the year.  Here in New Zealand the first semester of the university year is done and as a graduate student that means that for a week or two at least I can read more widely, and have a little space to read things for the pleasure of reading!

This week’s Wednesday Festival collects an eclectic range of links – some chosen for their challenge, some for their whimsy, others for the beauty of an idea, or the evocative way language is used.  I hope you take some pleasure in reading some of the highlights from around our community of bloggers.

Here on the RevGals blog Denise Anderson writes about her unease and questions about a story that has been in the news in the United States.  Her writing has been widely shared and commented on – if you haven’t read it already it’s worth catching up.

Kathryn writes about her experience of leading a silent Eucharist.

If you’ve ever been the “token” representative on a committee, you’ll be interested to read Mihee Kim-Kort’s reflection on the intersection of race, gender, economics and more and what it means to wear a collar as a Korean-American clergywoman.   

As she swims, Deborah Lewis wrestles with a David Crowder lyric “If grace is an ocean we’re all sinking” and perhaps wrestles with God too.

Amy Hanson proclaims the good news of her own belovedness by God, and that same good news for anyone who has wondered if their gender identity or sexuality is an impediment to being delighted in by God.

If you’re the kind of person who likes to doodle in the margins, or if you keep an art journal, Traci Smith suggests using the pages of your Bible in a creative spiritual practice.

Enjoy your reading!  And if there is something else from around the RevGals’ blog ring that you’ve really enjoyed reading this week, please add a link in the comments.

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