
So here it is, the first day of a brand new year. Let’s try a less conventional lens to think about the blank slate of 2016 with these prompts. The questions are intended to help explore the category–how you answer is up to you!

Share with us what new horizons might be in your sights related to:

Food: Is there a restaurant you’d like to visit? A recipe that’s been set aside to make? A bit of entertaining that you’d like to take on?

Reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic: Have you discovered an author whose works you’d like to exhaust? Do you want to try your hand at writing poetry, a novella, or a collection of prayers? Is a latent passion for math ready to burst from within you?

Relating: Is there someone in your life you’d like to know better? How about someone who would benefit from your mentoring? Might you take on an animal to foster and love? Is there a relationship that you’d like to nurture and perhaps heal or transform?

Mother Earth: Any thoughts or plans about visiting new places, or spending more time in places already discovered? How beautiful on the mountains, or in the desserts, or on the waters, might your feet be this year?

Creating: Is it time to knock the dust off a dormant interest in knitting? Learn how to paint watercolors? Purge a stash of art or craft supplies? Finish a project?

A different kind of bonus: Parker Palmer has an excellent blog post about five new year’s revolutions that I found inspiring, challenging, and thought-provoking. Consider it an eighth day of Christmas gift! And may the year ahead bless you in all your endeavors and pathways in life.


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6 thoughts on “Friday Five: Blank Slate Edition

  1. Friday Play Devotions:
    1. Food–I received a cookbook for Christmas with simple recipes that will hopefully appeal to my little ones and to my non-existent cooking gene 🙂 Recently, I read an article about how non-cookers can increase their cooking skills and eat better meals by subbing *one* dish/meal (and get good at that one first) before tackling others… it made sense.
    2. The three R’s– modest attempts at finding words for images…and keeping an idea notebook…Regarding reading– just trying to savor books, instead of devouring…. kind of like eating. And resolving to share with other the books that I read by mailing them or giving them away to people who might enjoy them too. Support used bookstores more and library…remember that books are a luxury.
    3. Relating– nurture the relationships that I am blessed to have and to know.
    4. Mother Earth– Simply appreciating the ground on which I walk and the environs in which I live.
    5. Creating– finding ways to bring more art, color, creating into life.


    1. Good look with the cooking. I can offer no counsel in that area, since I enjoy cooking and am always looking to try new recipes, but the method you describe to expand your culinary arsenal sounds like a good one. Thanks for playing!


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