
What cannot be said will be wept
– a quote attributed to Sappho

You have kept count of my tossings;
   put my tears in your bottle.
   Are they not in your record? 
-Psalm 56: 8


O God,
when words fail
hear our weeping.

Hear our weeping,
treasure our tears,
answer our cry.



Jemma Allen is a priest in the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.  She works as a counsellor and spiritual director in private practice, and is a PhD student at the University of Auckland in the counselling department.

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3 thoughts on “Thursday Prayer: hear our weeping

  1. Today is a week since my beloved brother died…this is a wonderful reminder that grief sometimes cannot be put into words, yet, God hears us in our sorrow. Thank you! Blessings!


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