He’s here to welcome you!

Normally the first Thursday of the month is the day when we introduce new members of our blogging community. You can find all the blogs of our members over there –> in the sidebar, as a feedly collection! In order to join via that particular avenue, bloggers need to have posted for three consecutive months, in addition to meeting our other criteria: being supportive of women in ordained ministry.

Today, though, halfway through the year, and in this our RGBP birthday month, I thought perhaps the meet-n-greet should be a bit different. Rather than me introducing you to new bloggers, I’d love for YOU to introduce yourself as a RevGalBlogPal!

When this group began in 2005, we were all bloggers, many pseudonymous. Things have changed drastically in the past 12 years–including our continuing education offerings, the rise of Facebook and the exponential growth of our community there, and so much more. SO…since there are about 4500 more of us now than there were back in ’05, I think it would be a good idea to have some meeting and greeting!

Don’t be shy–just like we tell church members to go ahead and ask people they don’t recognize, without worrying whether they’ll accidentally ask the name of a 50-year-member, feel free to tell us your story and to ask others theirs! You’ll find charter members and brand newbies and everyone in between.

So, in the spirit of the usually bloggy and Big Event M&G, a few questions: who are you? Where are you? How do you spend your days? Do you blog? How and when did you find RevGalBlogPals? What do you appreciate, what is it about this community that keeps you here? What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

Let there be meeting, and greeting!

The Rev. Teri Peterson currently lives just outside of Edinburgh, Scotland, with her two cats.  She has been first a BlogPal and then a RevGal almost since the beginning. She is co-author of the book Who’s Got Time: Spirituality for a Busy Generation and blogs less regularly than she ought at Clever Title Here.

RevGalBlogPals encourages you to share our blog posts via email or social media. We do not grant permission to cut-and-paste prayers and articles without a link back. For permission to use material in paper publications, please email revgalblogpals at gmail dot com.

6 thoughts on “Meet-n-Greet….you!

  1. Hi — I am Rev.Mary Beene and am a new blogger and member of the community. This is fun and I appreciate the chance to introduce myself. I have had several of my women pastor friends suggest I check out this site, but never thought I had the time for “one more thing.” Now opening the prayers and bogs is one of my favorite things I do each day. I even had a chance to post in the spiritual disciplines series that is happening now: https://revgalblogpals.org/2017/06/07/our-spiritual-disciplines-never-on-pointe/ I spend my time pastoring a small church outside Savannah, GA, where being a woman pastor can be hard, since there are so few of us and many people who won’t attend a church with a woman pastor. I also started a business doing retreats and spiritual direction (www.letthespiritin.com). I look forward to growing that part of my work now that I have finished a two year term as president of my son’s Parent-Teacher Association. Whew! I appreciate that so many of the prayers speak to prayers I may not yet have said, but resonate. And my favorite thing about myself is that I love to try new things and God usually gives me the energy and enthusiasm to do them! I hope blogging is the same. You can check out mine at https://letthespiritin.wordpress.com/

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi! I’m Lisa Cressman, with Backstory Preaching. We’re the first and only all-online preaching continuing education and formation center for Anglican and Mainline preachers. I’m an Episcopal priest, adjunct faculty in preaching, spiritual director and retreat leader. I help with the practical issues preachers face, like the stress of the deadline, lectionary fatigue and skill development. My book, “Backstory Preaching: Integrating Life, Spirituality, and Craft” will be published by Liturgical Press, March, 2018. I write a blog every week, and we offer online courses, like “Craft an Effective Sermon by Friday,” a downloadable e-Book to do at your own pace that is also offered periodically as an online, live course over seven weeks (with a recorded version coming this fall!). We also give away lots of material, like “Reflections on Self-Disclosure. Your Story: Does it Belong in the Pulpit?” Tell me what preaching assistance you most need, and subscribe to the newsletter to get preaching help every week! “Be Good News to Preach Good News.”


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