Panda at the Chengdu Panda Research Base. Photograph author’s own. 

For those who wake weary this morning,
exhausted before the day even begins,
we bring our prayers:

For new parents, surviving on snatches of sleep…

For those living with chronic illness and pain, for whom sleep is not refreshing…

For those whose jobs burden their bodies…

For those whose circumstances overwhelm them,
for whom a night’s sleep brings no relief…

For those who are anxious or afraid…

We pray and we remember your words, Jesus:
“Come to me all who are weary, and I will give you rest”.

We pray for rest, we pray for refreshment,
we pray for the grace to walk with you this day.


Jemma Allen is a priest in the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.  Her ministry is currently both in a parish where she works with children and young people and as a counsellor and spiritual director in private practice.  Visiting the pandas in Chengdu was one of the highlights of four years living in China.  

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