Holy One,

We are struggling, and the weight of loss and grief is breaking us. The waves of injustice upon injustice, violence upon violence are drowning our hearts. We pour out our questions of “why’s” and “why not’s”. We look for answers within our own understanding and experience… and there is nothing.

We have chosen lives of indifference. We have held onto our anger. We are cut down to the core by sharp words and a lack of love. We have made excuses, Holy One, so many excuses.

We are shattered. We try to tape together the broken bits, but there is no repairing. There is only replacing. Everything that has been our reality must change.

Teach us your ways and your truth, O Righteous One: The ways of peace. The ways of hope. The ways of healing. The ways of serving. The ways of reparation. The ways of joy. Help us see the work of justice and compassion through your eyes, with your heart.

And as we wait for the healing, may we see prisms of beauty that you bring through broken windows to our world, and may we know joy in the morning.

Amen. And amen.

Rev. Deborah Vaughn, BCC is a board-certified hospice chaplain endorsed by the Alliance of Baptists. She blogs at An Unfinished Symphony and was a contributor to There’s a Woman in the Pulpit. She is an avid Buckeye fan down to her scarlet-painted toes!

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One thought on “Saturday Prayer: Brokenness

  1. This is so beautiful: “And as we wait for the healing, may we see prisms of beauty that you bring through broken windows to our world, and may we know joy in the morning.”! Thank you. I want to carry this with me.


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