RevGalBookPals: Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race

A U.S.- based organization with a substantial worldwide audience cannot only focus on the issues of the United States. In truth, we might be well-served by looking toward more than one book reviewer, so as to broaden the base of what gets recommended beyond the publishing areas of the U.S. The gift of electronic publishing… Read More

RevGals Anti-Racism Project: Waking Up White, week 4

“People were good. My family was good. I was good, right?” Here we have the crux of the problem that white people have with racism. We have been taught that racism is bad…but we are not bad people, and the people we know are not bad people, so therefore we cannot be racist. In chapter… Read More

RevGal Anti-Racism Project: Waking Up White, Week 2

This week covers “Midlife Wake-Up Calls”, chapters 6-11 (approx. 40 pages). How do you feel about pain? Let’s assume that, in general, you don’t like pain. Which bothers you more- the idea of you being in pain or the idea of someone else being in pain? Do you have additional questions, perhaps is the person… Read More

RevGalBookPals: I’m Judging You

In the past week, I’ve struggled to finish a book, any book. I have half-read books all over the place, but they have too much plot or not enough, or I need more attention to learn from them, or I just can’t bring myself to care about the people or characters in the book. This… Read More

The Pastoral is Political: McKinney. Lord, hear our prayer

Scene: McKinney, Texas A white police officer yelling at black and brown teens, telling them to sit down, to leave, to get down, to disperse. Officer chases young black men. Officer forces black teenage girl to the ground, by her hair and neck, and then holds her there with his knee in her back. Teen… Read More

RevGalBookPals: Reading about Race

In our prayers and conversations lately, many of us have written, forwarded, tweeted, and shared powerful words about racism, its ill effects, and its pervasiveness in American culture. Due to the vast nature of this web ring and our corresponding Facebook group, there are RevGals and Pals from all kinds of backgrounds, races, creeds, and… Read More