The Pastoral Is Political: Elections Have Holy Opportunities

As I write this, I am listening to an online mix of Christmas carols. I heard that same music mix yesterday in the neighborhood Kroger. And the day before in a Starbucks where I pulled in for coffee on a trip across four states. And more of the same music on the “all Christmas” radio… Read More

RevGalBookPals: I’m Judging You

In the past week, I’ve struggled to finish a book, any book. I have half-read books all over the place, but they have too much plot or not enough, or I need more attention to learn from them, or I just can’t bring myself to care about the people or characters in the book. This… Read More

People of Civility

    I’d like to offer a word about what this woman, at least, and perhaps many other women too, have been feeling, after this election. During this election, Hillary Clinton became relatable to me because of the way Donald Trump behaved toward her. When he spoke over her, and interrupted, and paced behind her menacingly, I felt… Read More

The Pastoral is Political: Witnesses

There’s a cloud over your ballot. No, it’s not rigged or marked to be trashed or about to get literally soaked by rain or snow. I mean: there is a cloud of witnesses over your ballot. Yes, you… there in the small booth or at your kitchen counter or in the post office or marking on… Read More

Friday Festival: Singing, Praying, Pondering

There are a lot of moving parts in the lives of RevGals this week. All Saints Day was officially earlier this week, but for most will be celebrated in worship this coming Sunday. Those in the United States have a polarized and polarizing election campaign, with all its negativity swirling in the air. For many,… Read More

The Pastoral is Political: 10 Ways to Defeat a Bully

10. Walk away. Do not give the bully attention. Completely unfollow on social media, if applicable. The person in question has nothing that you want. 9. Information embargo. Engage in ZERO information seeking. Consider what power you have personally and how you can use it to stop streams of revenue, attention, or power to the… Read More

The Pastoral is Political: From Biting One’s Tongue to Using One’s Voice

Election season is upon us here in the United States, and this year seems to be a bit more contentious.  Even throughout the primary season, friends who are usually on the same political side have verbally sparred with us over which party candidate is the best.   As the general election looms on the horizon, we… Read More