mile high nachos
mile high nachos

We’re approaching the days of the “last hurrah!” before the launch of Lent, a time that often feels rushed with finalizing plans for seasonal practices, writing small treatises on the traditions of discipline, sacrifice, and spiritual intention, and taking a breath to tend to our own encounter with Lent–even as we shepherd others through it. A party is definitely in order!

For today’s Friday Five, share with us:

  1. What type of Fat Tuesday celebration your church will hold next week…
  2. Are there other ways of acknowledging the roots of Mardi Gras that you’d like to employ (a possible title for this subject might be, “Beyond Pancakes”)? (Note: this is a trick question.)
  3. Have you found ways to weave the playful nature of Carnival into the preseason observances of Lent?
  4. What kind of celebratory breather would you enjoy for your own sanity before the solemnity of Lent takes hold?
  5. Speaking of sanity, what works for you as a means of sustaining your spirit through the Forty Days and Triduum?

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9 thoughts on “Friday Five: Mardi Gras Edition

  1. Friday Play Devotions:
    1. No Fat Tuesday celebration this year. The church has had a combined Shrove Tues.pancake supper/Service of Ashes on same night (Tuesday) in years past, but this year, for a variety of reasons, we are only doing a Ash Wed. Service and encouraging folks to attend that.
    2. Donut. I am going to get a donut. One donut. Maybe with chocolate. Or cinnamon. And perhaps dance with my sons.
    3. Since I am trying to incorporate play year round, I hope to keep it up even during Lent. I think Jesus would approve.
    4. I prefer “reflection” rather than solemnity. I’m taking myself to a concert during Lent, and I am looking forward to offering 2 Lenten labyrinth walks during Lent. I am also reading a book called Dancing with Life which is about Buddhist practice. And I am enjoying the intersections betw. the book and my Christian faith practice.
    5. Remembering to “do as I go” and to schedule things intentionally to look forward to…To be intentional…period. To remember that the church is important; yes, but it is not everything.


    1. I’d love to join you with the donut idea. And ooh, I wish a labyrinth was close enough to me to take ambulate a bit during Lent. I’ll need to tuck that idea away for the future. Some great ideas. Thanks for playing.


  2. We’ll be having a Cajun feast with the proceeds going to the chef’s charity of choice.’s both fun, nurturing and giving all in one.

    I’m taking Saturdays off and not putting things in the church calendar. We’re a busy parish, so it becomes a spiritual practice to be still.

    For me, it’s a very important, sanity encouraging practice to walk. ..without any explicit purpose or destination.


    1. I was at the Episcopal cathedral in San Diego a long time ago and they also had a Cajun feast preceded by a zydeco mass with dancing in the aisles and lots of beads. Totally amazing.


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