
We’ve been rearranging and reorganizing books at our house, a dangerous activity when trying to accomplish a task during precious leisure time–the lure of forgotten titles and favorite stories can be deliciously distracting, not to mention inspire a Friday Five theme.

Share with us some of your favorites:

A cookbook

A novel

A nonfiction book

A well-thumbed book to which you turn often, or with affection, used in our profession

An author you recommend frequently to others

Bonus: what are you reading now?

Be sure to include a link to your blog with your responses so that we can visit and leave comments, or if you’d prefer, share your responses in the comments section.

RevGalBlogPals encourages you to share our blog posts via email or social media. We do not grant permission to cut-and-paste prayers and articles without a link back. For permission to use material in paper publications, please email revgalblogpals at gmail dot com.

17 thoughts on “Friday Five: cover to cover edition

  1. Friday Play Devotions:
    1. Cooking on Wheels (an out of print–I think– cookbook that refers to cooking in a camper which my friends gave me when I lived in a camper for 6+months)
    2. Novel: either “Broken for You” by Stephanie Kallos, or “Peace Like a River” by Leif Enger…but hard to pick only one or two…
    3. Nonfiction book: Redefining Realness by Janet Mock or Rising Strong by Brene Brown….Brene Brown has a great checklist about trust which I keep either referring to or I pass on to others…
    4. Well-loved professional book: The Feasting on the Word series– I never tire of reading it.
    5. An author that I recommend frequently: I don’t know because there are so many good authors out there, so I tend to recommend whatever I am currently reading…or whatever strikes a chord.

    Bonus: Currently reading “Fried” by Joan Borysenko, and I am looking forward to “Love is Love: Questioning the Labels We Give Ourselves” by Maria Bello and “The End of Absence:Reclaiming What We Have Lost in a World of Constant Connection” by Michael Harris…and 2 also books on racism that I pledged to read in the next year.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Camper cooking does provide its own set of challenges. I hope the book was helpful! And Brene Brown is a total gem. Inspiring, affirming, challenging, like the Trinity of one’s personal journey. Thanks for sharing your other finds and pleasures, and for playing today.


  2. A cookbook – I rarely use my cookbooks but my ancient copy of Delia Smith Complete Cookery Course is the one essential in my kitchen. It has everything from how to boil an egg to a perparing and cooking a full Christmas dinner.

    A novel – one of my favourite books ever is ‘The Color Purple’ – it is harsh and brutal and an uneasy read but each and every time that I re-read it, I get so much from its pages. A story of of love, of hurt, of family and of community. A story of trust and mistrust, hopelessness and hopefulness. Just wonderful [actually might dig it out to take on vacation next week].

    A nonfiction book – Speaking Christian by Marcus Borg. One that regularly is found by my desk or chair. Irrespective of whether you agree with Borg or not, the idea that often our churches find themselves defined by how we use certain ‘church-words’ is really interesting to me [Language use is a huge passion of mine].

    A well-thumbed book to which you turn often, or with affection, used in our profession – Spill the Beans and Feasting on the Word are my ‘go to’ resources week by week [I use the old issues of StB as we use RCL here so they are well thumbed]. However I also love an old book that I was given many years ago called ‘Themes for family worship – 101 Outline talks’ by Tony Castle. Great wee ideas for all age talks to introduce whichever theme is being discussed in the scriptures that week.

    An author you recommend frequently to others – I recommend Ruth Burgess to church folks – her poems and reflections are excellent. I love reading Terry Pratchett novels and Maya Angelou poems so they are frequently recommended too.

    Bonus: what are you reading now? Right now I am re-reading To Kill a Mockingbird and interspersing it with a cheesy romance called ‘The Frog Prince’ by Sophie Ranald [who I know through another forum].


    1. Thanks for introducing me to some new resources and pleasures. One of the wonderful things about the FF! I love Borg–I find he makes potentially complex ideas very accessible. Always thought-provoking. Thanks for playing!


  3. A cookbook: I’m obsessed with my Instant Pot right now, so instead of hardcover books I’m loving to get recipes on the internet.

    A novel: Just finished X by Sue Grafton. One of my favorite mystery series of all time

    A nonfiction book: The Warmth of Other Suns, Isabel Wilkerson

    A well-thumbed book to which you turn often, or with affection, used in our profession: Common Prayer, A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals (Claiborne et al)

    An author you recommend frequently to others: Madeleine L’Engle

    Bonus: what are you reading now? Christopher Fowler’s Peculiar Crimes Unit book Ten Second Staircase; Louise Penny’s Bury Your Dead;

    Liked by 1 person

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