In the name of Christ,
the Messiah,
hear our prayers, O God!
Each and every minute
of each and every day
our faith is tested …
tried …
Each and every minute
of each and every day
we make a choice:
to look outside ourselves for answers
or to look inside,
to believe the hype
or trust the impossible.
Each and every minute
of each and every day
we are required to give an answer
to the question Jesus asked his disciples,
“Who do you say that I am?”
and to live out that answer
the best way we know how.
Grant us wisdom, Lord.
Grant us courage,
that we might be able to stand in truth
and profess our faith
even when the world around us
presses us to do otherwise.

Son of Man,
hear our prayers!
You speak to us clearly,
so we cannot miss your message,
and yet it is difficult to accept
the kind of self-sacrificing
you were
and continue to be
willing to demonstrate
for us
and for God’s children
Grant us wisdom, Lord.
Grant us courage,
that we might be willing
to take up our own crosses
on behalf of our siblings in Christ
around the world
who are suffering.

Holy Spirit,
hear our prayers!
Work in and through your church
to proclaim the Good News of the gospel
in every time and place,
to bring justice
to the poor and oppressed
and hope
to the lost and alone,
to bring sight to the blind
and hearing to those who cannot hear,
to bring healing to the wounded
and comfort to the grieving,
and to do it all in the name
of the One who taught us
what it means to be a
and what it means
to lead.

Julie Gvillo is Commissioned Pastor (PCUSA) and Founder and Creative Executive Director of A Place of Grace. Julie shares liturgy written on RCL passages each week on her blog, Point of Contact: Where Life and Worship Intersect.

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