Answer us, we dare pray,
O God of our groaning.

Reclaim what has been cast away,
O God of our weariness.

Seek out the pieces of our hearts,
lest they be scattered by the wind.

In your goodness, let there be a light
to keep us company as we cry.

In your mercy, let there be a hope
to draw water for our dry spirits.

In your love, let there be a word
to whisper us back into life.

Until the days of our delight
outweigh the days of our distress;

Until the season of evil
fades in the eternity of justice;

Until our tongues are loosed
from the dust of death.

Let there be a light,
let there be a hope,
let there be a word.


Rachel G. Hackenberg‘s book with co-author Martha Spong, Denial Is My Spiritual Practice (and Other Failures of Faith), strives to make sense of faith through the trials & failures of life. Rachel has also written Writing to God and Sacred Pause.

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