
It’s Back-to-School time! Are you that A+ Student for life” or the King/Queen of Detention? RevGals want to know! We are all still learning (or re-learning) some kind of lessons!

Tell us about your learning edges in:

1. Reading: what’s in your “to-be-read” stack? Fiction? Church leadership? Commentaries?

2. Writing: are you blogging? Journaling? Developing a new book proposal? Or just crafting sermons? Any excerpt you’d care to share? (We won’t grade your penmanship!)

3. ‘Rithmetic: Family budget? Church budget? National debt? What are you discovering about yourself and your church/family when it comes to handling money?

4. Music: favorite new hymn or worship band?

5. Detention: uh huh… If you were supposed to report for detention today, what would be the note on the slip?

BONUS: Recess!

RevGals just want to have fun! What’s your favorite way to unwind?

Three ways to participate!

  1. Play here in the comments
  2. Play on your blog and paste your blog’s link below so we can come visit!
  3. Play on our Facebook page!


17 thoughts on “Friday Five: Go to the Head of the Class

  1. Morning Play Devotions….to start my day 🙂

    1. Reading List: “Ashes in My Mouth, Sand in My Shoes” by Per Petterson (bought at library ’cause I liked the title) and “1001 Ways to Live in the Moment” by Barbara Ann Kipfer (on my nightstand for ideas)

    2. Writing: Mostly just sermons, but reviewing and editing some things.
    A sample of edited poem:

    “The Dough Hook” –dee L.
    We know each other by the appliances we keep:
    coffee maker,
    electric skillet,
    even the blood pressure machine
    that you faithfully tethered
    to your arm, pale and sinewy
    while I lay sleeping.
    After the finality of losing
    still the appliances remained
    sometimes mocking
    my fumbling ignorance
    confounded by parts upon parts
    still more parts
    like someone adding a room here
    a closet there, a deck
    Only the dough hook reminded me
    to understand its ability
    to take
    flour from your weakened hands
    sticky on the white hook
    grasping, spinning, reaching
    pulling what resisted into
    something captured
    by steel bowl
    It did what you could
    no longer
    and what I would have
    had the tumor not taken
    every strength,
    You folded the dough
    mixed now, end upon end
    rolls for Easter dinner
    our last holiday supper.
    The mixer survived.
    The hook remained connected.
    Yet in the corner,
    The machine still stands, waiting,
    until the bread of your life
    rises in me,
    chewy and crusty, communing

    3. ‘Rithmetic: God help me, I still have yet to do my taxes from LAST year. An appt. scheduled though.

    4. Music: nothing comes to mind right now, except the Kumbayah song that my little ones ask me to sing to them every night

    5. Detention: still unable to delete FB account. It is easier to get married than to delete your account. FB= 14 day waiting period during which you can not log in to anything connected with FB
    Marriage= 3 day waiting period on average for many couples.


    1. Oh, I forgot the bonus:
      I am going to the “Reel Affirmations Film Festival” in D.C. this weekend while my twin toddlers spend the weekend with their grandparents. I am looking forward to seeing some movies…as I never watch t.v. or movies, for that matter.


  2. Tell us about your learning edges in:

    1. Reading: what’s in your “to-be-read” stack? Fiction? Church leadership? Commentaries? Everything! Ta-Nahesi Coates’ book, books about William Wilberforce, Inspector Gamache, pressure cooker recipe books.

    2. Writing: are you blogging? Journaling? Developing a new book proposal? Or just crafting sermons? Any excerpt you’d care to share? (We won’t grade your penmanship!) My blog is currently out of commission. I’m committing here to get it back into commission!

    3. ‘Rithmetic: Family budget? Church budget? National debt? What are you discovering about yourself and your church/family when it comes to handling money? Money in my personal life is being handled a whole new way. It’s both positive and painful. Very.

    4. Music: favorite new hymn or worship band? Nothing new. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence is big in my head these days.

    5. Detention: uh huh… If you were supposed to report for detention today, what would be the note on the slip? She overslept. Which I did this morning. Yikes!!!

    BONUS: Recess!

    RevGals just want to have fun! What’s your favorite way to unwind? Reading. Always and forever.


  3. 1. Reading-My husband surprised me with a copy of Blessed Are the Crazy. I cannot wait to start reading it this weekend.

    2. Writing-Most of my writing right now is at

    3. ‘Rithmetic: My math is adding up my daily steps, so I can win the daily step challenge!

    4. Music: Listening to Indigo Girls Radio on Pandora while typing this.

    5. Detention: As a rule follower, I rarely got detention. I wish my detention slip said I was cutting class to go sky diving. If you are going to get into trouble, why not do something fun?

    BONUS: Recess!-I enjoy sitting down with a good book at the end of the day possibly with a glass of wine.



    1. I’ve got “Blessed are the Crazy” on my reading list. 🙂 and I’m with you — when I get detention, I tend to “go big or go home.”

      Thanks for playing!!


  4. What’s in my “to be read stack”? When the drummers were women, The Seaton Miracles, The Maid

    Am I writing? YES! This weekend marked the beginning of the end of coursework as I continue on my PhD journey, so I wrote two academic papers, my church newsletter article, and I’m working on my sermon.

    ‘Rithmetic…ugh. This is a bit of a growing edge right now. Church budget issues, thinking about the upcoming stewardship campaign, looking for ways to live abundantly with what I have (instead of longing for what I don’t have)…you know, the stuff we don’t like to talk about, but need to .

    Music…well, I just came from a two day drumming workshop, so I’m feeling really empowered and tall having been surrounded by amazing women, leaders, teachers, and sages.

    Even as a kid I got detention for talking too much…oh well, I had stuff to say!

    Recess…my favorite way to unwind is a good long shower, read a book (for fun), go for a walk, and surround myself with those I love.


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